School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
Completed Projects
Study of the appropriateness and the adequacy of modern materials for offshore fish cage nets – numerical and experimental investigation in realistic loading conditions (MATISSE)
MATISSE is a 36 months national project starting in summer 2019 and has a budget of about 200.000€.
The project concerns the adequacy of modern materials for fish cage nets to be used in systems of offshore aquacultures. Those systems provide a variety of advantages and benefits compared to the traditional coastal aquacultures. Nevertheless, the installation and the materialization of such systems is unquestionably a technological challenge given the hostile environment where they should operate and the innovative dimension of the offshore aquaculture clusters. However, the contemporary feeding demands of the international population that undoubtedly shall be intensified in the near future given its radical increase, make the implementation of relevant projects an unavoidable process. In that context, indeed, the future of aquaculture relies offshore in deeper water fields. The present project shall constitute a valuable contribution toward this task, given that aside from the traditional lab testing for the adequacy of modern materials for fish cage nets, will go a step further proposing the overall investigation of the their appropriateness in realistic conditions. To this end, the research team will design a complete offshore aquaculture system, together with its mooring system, in installation sites that have been already selected. In addition, a unique experimental campaign shall be performed using proper similitude factors of the expected realistic conditions. The main goal of the project is to develop a complete pilot study for the technological guidance of relevant projects of offshore aquacultures which are the future in fish breeding.
The MATISSE consortium comprises of the following participants:
Hybrid thermal spray coatings with self-lubricant properties for wear protection of Internal Combustion Engine piston rings (HYSELFDROPS)
HYSELFDROPS is a 36 months national project starting in summer 2020 and has a budget of about 600.000€.
The proposal HYSELFDROPS is targeting to the development of innovative techniques towards the deposition of hybrid self-lubricating coatings using thermal spray techniques. The proposed innovation lies in the combined self lubricating & anti-wear thermally sprayed coatings that will be developed. This will be realized with the presence within the coating mass of solid (nanomaterials) and/or liquid lubricants (oils microencapsulated in polymers). The proposed hybrid coatings are expected to contribute to significant energy loss reduction of diesel engines due to wear and abrasion for marine applications which contributes in the fuel consumption reduction as well as in the operating and maintenance costs. These coatings present the additional advantage of avoiding toxic chemical substances release to the environment unlike liquid lubricants. Scale up activities in terms of feedstock materials production as well as thermally sprayed real parts (piston rings) for field testing will be performed. The coated piston rings will be implemented in a three cylinder Yanmar 3YM30 diesel engine producing 21.3 kW maximum power at 3200 rpm for marine applications.
The HYSELFDROPS consortium comprises of the following participants:
Shipbuilding Technology Laboratory, (STL), NTUA School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
Laboratory of Polymer Technology, NTUA School of Chemical Engineering
Marine Performance Tuning, (MPT)
Realisation and Demonstration of Advanced Material Solutions for Sustainable and Efficient Ships (RAMSSES)
RAMSSES is a four-year project starting in June 2017 and has a budget of about 13.5 million Euros.
The project aims to foster the application of new materials in maritime and inland waterway applications by:
developing, demonstrating and validating 13 specific maritime products to prepare for commercial market uptake immediately after the project.
conducting a comprehensive assessment of technical properties, life cycle cost and environmental performance of the demonstrator cases as a basis for approval of the specific solutions, but also with the aim to re-use test results, material data and experiences for future similar applications and make this ‘knowledge base’ accessible to a wider range of maritime end-users
setting up a Materials Innovation Platform for information exchange and cooperation which is open to other projects.
The RAMSSES consortium comprises of 36 participants from 12 European countries, dominated by industrial partners.

SHIPLYS: Ship life cycle software solutions
European Programme under FP7 (7th Framework Programme) (2016-2019)
Principal Investigator (for Greece): Prof. N. Tsouvalis.
About this project:
SHIPLYS was a three-year project starting in September 2016 and had a budget of about 6.2 million Euros.
The project was in response to needs of SME naval architects, shipbuilders and ship-owners, who in order to survive in the world market required to:
improve their capability to reduce the time and costs of design and production
develop the ability to reliably produce better ship concepts through virtual prototyping
meet the increasing requirements for LCCA (Life Cycle Cost Analysis), environmental assessments, risk assessments and end-of-life considerations as differentiators
The SHIPLYS consortium comprised of 12 participants from 7 countries who brought together a mix of stakeholder organisations and corresponding expertise. The participants included shipyards, a classification society, research institutes and industrial organisations that developed and provided technologies used in structural design and production.
MOSAIC: Materials On-board (steel - composites)
European Programme under FP7 (7th Framework Programme) (2012-2015)
Topic: "MOSAIC: Materials On-board: Steel Advancements and Integrated Composites"
Principal Investigator (for Greece): Associate Prof. N. Tsouvalis
About this project:
The aim of this project was to investigate two novel ideas concerning ship structures. First, the introduction of High Strength Low Alloyed Steels (HSLA) in specific structural details and second the replacement of specific structural parts of the ship with composite materials.
HSLA steels with high toughness properties, in specific areas of the ship structure, reduce the risk of cracks developing in stress concentration areas while composite materials can replace parts of the steel structure, such as superstructures, transverse bulkheads, partial decks and other non-critical parts thereby reducing weight and corrosion effects.
The final outcome of the project was the development of relevant guidelines for the design and application of these two new concepts in shipbuilding.
FOUL-X-SPEL: Environmentally Friendly Antifouling Technology
European Programme under FP7 (7th Framework Programme) (2011-2014)
Subject: "FOUL-X-SPEL: Environmentally Friendly Antifouling Technology to Optimise the Energy Efficiency of Ships"
Principal Investigator (for Greece): Prof. D. Pantelis
About this project:
The main objective of this project was the study and development of an environmentally friendly surface protection. The basic idea was to modify the common pot, providing a new antifouling coating with covalently attaching bioactive molecules that can provide biocidal activity, in order to avoid leaching and to promote a long and effective surface protection. This required an introduction of ingredients through a molecular bridge and study of the active concentration of bound active compounds. In this way, the new technology of surface coatings have minimized the surface roughness and improved the hydrodynamic properties of the hull.
Compressed Liquid Tank Manufactured by Filament Wound Composite Materials
Program funded by the Greek General Secretariat for Research and Technology - GSRT (2011-2014)
Topic: "Compressed Liquid Tank (5000 psi and 1000 psi) Manufactured by Filament Wound Composite Materials (carbon fibers and epoxy resins)"
Principal Investigator: Associate Prof. N. Tsouvalis
Welding of Naval Metal. Mat. using concentrated Solar Energy
Program: “Solar Facilities for the European Research Area (SFERA)” (2011)
Topic: "Welding of Metallic Materials for Marine Applications using Concentrated Solar Energy"
Principal Investigator: Prof. D.I. Pantelis
The testing was carried out at the Plataforma Solar, Solar Furnace, for the period of 4 weeks.
Co-Patch - Composite Patch Repair for Marine and Civil Applications
Program funded by the European Commission (7th Framework Programme - FP7) (2010-2012)
Topic: "Composite Patch Repair for Marine and Civil Engineering Infrastructure Applications (Co-Patch)"
Principal Investigator (for Greece): Associate Prof. N. Tsouvalis
Partner: Prof. V. Papazoglou
About this project:
In January 2010 a consortium of 15 organisations from eight European countries have kick started a European (FP7) funded project on Composite Patch Repair for Marine and Civil Engineering Infrastructure Applications - Co-Patch.
Co-Patch is a novel and potentially effective repair and/or reinforcement method for large steel structures. Two basic structural types will be dealt with, namely marine structures (mainly steel ships) and iron/steel civil engineering structures (e.g. bridges, transmission towers, etc.). It is hoped that the use of patches will significantly reduce the maintenance costs, and in the case of metallic bridges, prolong their design life and help address the consequences of increasing live loads. The proposed technology creates a new market and gives the partners the capability of providing high technology and high added value services worldwide.
Main objectives are to demonstrate to all stakeholders that composite patch repairs or reinforcements can be environmentally stable and therefore, that they can be used as permanent repair measures on steel marine structures and steel civil engineering infrastructure applications.
SuSy - Surfacing System for Ship Recovery
Program sponsored by the European Commission (7th Framework Programme - FP7) (2010-2012)
Topic: "SuSy - Surfacing System for Ship Recovery"
Principal Investigator (for Greece): Prof. V. Papazoglou
About this project:
The propagation of spillages is one of the biggest environmental problems after a ship disaster. Instead of cleaning the dirty areas the SUSY system will avoid the spillages by stabilizing vessels immediately after an accident. Additionally the same technology should be used to lift sunken vessels by spending less effort than today.
The main idea of the proposed project SuSy is to develop well known submarine rescue technology into systems to be used for merchant ships in emergency situation. The systems for submarines are based on satellite booster technology with liquid or solid fuel to blow water out of the ballast tanks in very short time to provide additional buoyancy to stop e.g. an uncontrolled diving process. This technology provides means to generate from a device of 0,5m^3 500 m^3 within 15 seconds under atmospheric pressure.
The combination of this technology with air pressure systems and balloon technology to create a multi purpose modular system for ship rescue purposes is the target of the SuSY project.
Causes of the general failure of the hull of M/T ELLI
Research program with WORLDWIDE GREEN TANKERS LTD (2009-2010)
Topic: "Study of causes of the general failure of the hull of the ship ‘M/T ELLI’"
Scientific Responsible: Prof. D. Pantelis
Multiplex Optical Sensors hull stress monitoring system
Affiliate Program for SMEs, funded by various media and the European Commission under FP7 - 7th Framework Programme (2008-2011)
Topic: "Innovative continuum Multiplex Optical Sensors hull stress monitoring system, supporting shipping safety and Enhancing the control capability over structural Ship integrity (MOSES)"
Principal Investigator: Associate Prof. N. Tsouvalis
Partner: Prof. V. Papazoglou
Modern Materials in Precision Casting
Research program with ELKA (2007-2011) in the framework of EUREKA – MAJEPCAST
Topic: “Modern Materials in Precision Casting”
Scientific Responsible: Prof. D. Pantelis
Precision Design of Objects & Moulds of Traditional Pottery
Research program with ELKEA (2006-2010)
Topic: "Precision Design of Objects and Moulds of Traditional Pottery"
Principal Researcher: Prof. D. Pantelis
Cooperation with ELKEA S.A. (HELLENIC CENTRE OF POTTERY S.A.), in the framework of EUREKA - APPTraC
Roughness and Texture Modification of Metal Surfaces
Research project with ELKEDE (2006-2010)
Topic: "Study of Roughness and Texture Modification of Metal Surfaces using Laser"
Principal Investigator: Prof. D. Pantelis
Cooperation with ELKEDE (Centre of Technology and Design) under the program EUREKA - DiM-LaST
Study of wood cutting and milling using Laser
Research program with ELKEDE (2006-2010) in the framework of EUREKA – WoLaCe
Topic: “Study of wood cutting and milling using Laser”
Scientific Responsible: Prof. D. Pantelis
Technology assessment of advanced cold spray coatings
International Cooperation Program in Industrial Research and Development Activities / pre-competitive stage - 2005 (2006-2007), in collaboration with the PIROGENESIS S.A.
Title: “Technology assessment of advanced cold spray coatings focusing on specific industrial applications”
Scientific responsible: Prof. D.I. Pantelis
Lifelong Learning for SMEs - Training packages
Project sponsored by the Hellenic Ministry of Labour within the Framework of the European Programme EQUAL (2005-2007)
Topic: "Adoption of Mechanisms and Life Learning Programs from the SMEs - Certification of Training Packages and Recognition of Acquired Knowledge In the Sectors of Information Technology and Technical Professions (get trained)"
Principal Investigator: Prof. V. Papazoglou
Prof. D. Pantelis participated in the project under the topic: "Welding"
Use of Composite Patches for Steel Marine Structures
Research project funded by the Greek General Secretariat for Research and Technology (2005-2006)
Topic: "Use of Composite Patches for Repairing and Strengthening Steel Marine Structures"
Principal Investigator: Associate Prof. N. Tsouvalis
NATURALHY – Preparing for the Hydrogen Economy
Research program, funded by the European Commission under the 6th Framework Programme - FP6 (2004-2007)
Topic: "NATURALHY - Preparing for the Hydrogen Economy by Using the Existing Natural Gas System as a Catalyst"
Principal Investigator: Assoc. Prof. E. Kakaris - School of Mechanical Engineering, NTUA
Attendance: Shipbuilding Technology Laboratory, Laboratory of steam engines and boilers (NTUA) and many other organisms (indicative: GASUNIE, GdF, BP, GE, NTNU, ENIM, STATOIL, TOTAL, TNO, etc.)
Purpose: Control of all the essential constituent parts of an hydrogen distribution system, by adding hydrogen into the existing natural gas distribution networks.
Prof. D. Pantelis participated in this work by planning and conducting experiments for the electrolytic production of hydrogen in samples from existing natural gas distributionpipes, through which an attempt was made to determine qualitatively and quantitatively the effect of hydrogen on the way and the propagation velocity of cracks after fatigue testing.
Study of the Corrosion of Shipbuilding HS Steel Welds
Research Program sponsored by the Greek Ministry of Education within the framework of the PYTHAGORAS Programme (2004-2007)
Topic: "A Study of the Corrosion of Shipbuilding High Strength Steel Welds and its Consequences on the Reliability of Marine Structures"
Principal Investigator: Prof. V. Papazoglou
Purpose: Study of the erosion on welded high strength steel (High Tensile Steel - HTS). Characterization and interpretation of the corrosion effect on the mechanical behavior of steel. Assessment of reliability of naval structures, especially when their welds have been corroded.
Participation of Prof. D. Pantelis in the design and supervision of all the experimental measurements during the corrosion tests which were carried out.
Asia Link – Knowledge Transfer on Ship Design, Production and Operation
Program sponsored by the European Commission (2004-2007)
Topic: "Asia Link - Knowledge Transfer on Ship Design, Production and Operation"
Partner: Prof. V. Papazoglou
Study of brazing and soldering techniques
Research program with ELKA (2004-2007) in the framework of EUREKA – BraSold
Topic: “Study of brazing and soldering techniques”
Scientific Responsible: Prof. D. Pantelis
Development of a Design Methodology for Ro-Ro Vessels
Research program funded by the Greek General Secretariat for Research and Technology (2004-2006)
Topic: "Development of a Design Methodology for Ro-Ro Vessels and Application for Designing a Feeder Line Vessel for the Hellenic Coastal Shipping"
Principal Investigator: Associate Prof. N. Tsouvalis
Occupational Health Hazards in the EU and Greece
Project sponsored by the Labor Institute, General Confederation of Greek Workers (2004-2005)
Topic: "Development of Policies for Covering Occupational Health Hazards in the European Union and Greece, with emphasis on Heavy and Unhealthy Occupations"
Principal Investigator: Prof. V. Papazoglou
MARSTRUCT - Network of Excellence on Marine Structures
Network of Excellence sponsored by the European Commission (6th Framework Programme - FP6) (2003-2007)
Title: "MARSTRUCT - Network of Excellence on Marine Structures"
Principal Investigator: Prof. V. Papazoglou
Participant: D.I. Pantelis
Participation: European universities and institutes involved in the shipbuilding, shipyards and classification societies
Purpose: To improve the comfort, efficiency, safety, reliability and environmental impact of shipbuilding through the application of advanced methods in the design, constructionand operation of ships.
Development of Simulation Tools for Precision Casting
Research program with ELKA (2003-2006)
Topic: "Development of simulation tools for precision casting"
Principal Investigator: Prof. D. Pantelis
Partner: Prof. V. Papazoglou
Cooperation with ELKA (Greek Centre of Silver-goldsmithery), in the framework of EUREKA - SimCast
Subject: Calibration of parameters for the simulation of precision casting - Development of methods for casting optimization (in already used softwares) - Database developmentfor particular casting case studies (including casting parameters which were identified through both simulation and experimental methods) - Determination of general casting rules, which could be applied to specific products' families or to parts of them.
Fatigue Experimental Tests of Composite Materials Specimens
Research project funded by the University of Patras (2002-2006)
Topic: "Fatigue Experimental Tests of Composite Materials Specimens"
Principal Investigator: Associate Prof. N. Tsouvalis
Solidification Mechanism of Melted Particles (HRAKLEITOS)
Research program EPEAEK ΙΙ - HRAKLEITOS (2002-2005)
Topic: “Investigation of Solidification Mechanism of Melted Particles During Coating Formation With Plasma-Spraying Technique”
Scientific Responsible: Prof. D. Pantelis
Continuation of the research program THALES (2002-2004)
Solidification Mechanism of Melted Particles (THALES)
Research program THALES (2002-2004)
Topic: “Investigation of the Solidification Mechanism of melted Particles during the Formation of Plasma Sprayed Coatings”
Scientific Responsible: Prof. D. Pantelis
Evaluation of the Production Stages for Valves
Research program with the Public Power Corporation (2002)
Topic: “Evaluation of the Production Stages for Valves and Quality Control of the Product and the Production Facilities in the Attica Region”
Scientific Responsible: Prof. D. Pantelis
Preservation and Strength Enhancement of Diesel Engine parts
Research program PAVE 2000 (2001-2003)
Topic: “Preservation and Strength Enhancement of Diesel Engine parts using Conventional and Nanocrystallic Thermal Spray Claddings”
Scientific Responsible: Prof. D. Pantelis
This project was in collaboration with PYROGENESIS S.A.
Development of Coatings for Biomedical Applications
Joint Research program between Greece and France – PLATON 2001 (2001-2003)
Topic: “Development of Coatings for Biomedical Applications using Advanced Plasma Spraying Techniques”
Scientific responsible (for Greece): Prof. D. Pantelis
This project was in collaboration with the "Centre des Materiaux Pierre Marie Fourt" of ENSMP, in France.
ShipYAG – Shipbuilding Low Cost, Versatile and Safe Welding
Research project sponsored by the European Commission ("Competitive and Sustainable Growth" Program) (2000-2003)
Topic: "ShipYAG - Shipbuilding Low Cost, Versatile and Safe Welding by YAG Laser Application"
Principal Investigator: Prof. V. Papazoglou
Assessment of Health and Occupational Hazards in Shipyards
Research Program sponsored by Elefsis and Neorion Shipyards (2000-2002)
Topic: "Assessment of Health and Occupational Hazards in Shipyards"
Principal Investigator: Prof. V. Papazoglou
Production of New Technology Fast Ferries for the Greek Seas
Research Program sponsored by GSRT within the framework of PEPER 2000 Programme (2000-2001)
Topic: "New Methods for the Production of New Technology Fast Ferries for the Greek Seas"
Principal Investigator: Prof. V. Papazoglou
Rules for Design - Construction of High Speed Small Crafts
Program sponsored by the Greek General Secretariat for Research and Development (SYN'96) (1998-2000)
Topic: "Development of Rules for the Design and Construction of High Speed Small Crafts from Glass Reinforced Plastics"
Principal Investigator: Prof. V. Papazoglou
Lightweight Composite Pressure Housings
Program sponsored by the European Commission (MAST III Program) (1997-2000)
Topic: "Lightweight Composite Pressure Housings for Mid-Water and Benthic Applications"
Principal Investigator: Prof. V. Papazoglou
CCTCS - Characterization and Control of Thick Composite Structures
Program sponsored by the European Commission (Thematic Network, Standards, Measurement and Testing Program) (1997-1998)
Topic: "Characterization and Control of Thick Composite Structures (CCTCS)"
Principal Investigator: Prof. V. Papazoglou
Design Criteria for Composite Shell Structures
Program sponsored by the C.E.C. (Brite-EuRam Program) (1994-1998)
Topic: "Development and Validation of Design Criteria for Composite Shell Structures"
Principal Investigator: Prof. V. Papazoglou
Advanced Systems Research for AUVs
Research program sponsored by the C.E.C. (MAST-II Program) (1992-1995)
Topic: "Advanced Systems Research for Unmanned Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs)"
Partner: Prof. V. Papazoglou
Computer Algorithms for Ship Hull Vibrations Prediction
Research Program sponsored by the Hellenic Naval Command (1987-1988)
Topic: "Development of Computer Algorithms for Predicting Ship Hull Vibrations"
Principal Investigator: Prof. V. Papazoglou
Feasibility Study for Deep Water Anchoring Systems
Program sponsored by the Hydrocarbon Division, Energy Directorate, C.E.C. (1986-1988)
Topic: "Feasibility Study for Deep Water Anchoring Systems"
Co-principal Investigator: Prof. V. Papazoglou
Fast Computer Algorithms for Calculating (welds) Distortion
Research project sponsored by the General Secretariat of Research and Technology, Greece (1986-1988)
Topic:"Fast Computer Algorithms for Calculating Distortion due to Welding in Steel Structures"
Principal Investigator: Prof. V. Papazoglou