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1. Comparison of Matrix Digestion and Image Analysis Methods for Measuring Fiber Content of Filament Wound Composite Materials / Chatzinas PS, Tsiourva DE, Bilalis EP and Tsouvalis NG / submitted for review to the 8th International Conference on Marine Structures (MARSTRUCT 2021) / Trondheim, Norway, 2021.

2. Effect of Manufacturing Parameters on the Mechanical Properties of Filament Wound Composite Materials / Chatzinas PS, Bilalis EP, Papadakis AZ and Tsouvalis NG / submitted for review to the 8th International Conference on Marine Structures (MARSTRUCT 2021), / Trondheim, Norway, 2021.

3. An optimization based approach for damage identification of idealized ship structural assemblies / Silionis N. and Anyfantis K. / Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering – OMAE, Volume 22021, Article number V002T02A0052021, 40th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, OMAE 2021, Virtual, Online / DOI:


4. Probabilistic strength assessment through analytical modelling of pillars found in ship structures / Vasileiou A. and Anyfantis K. / 6th International Conference of Engineering Against Failure (ICEAF-VI 2021), 2021, MATEC Web of Conferences 349, 03007 (2021) /


5. Model-based structural health monitoring of box girders / Silionis N. and Anyfantis K. / 6th International Conference of Engineering Against Failure (ICEAF-VI 2021), 2021, MATEC Web of Conferences 349, 03012 (2021) /


6. Application of beam theories for elastic design of ship stiffened panels subjected to uniform pressure loads / Platypodis E. and Anyfantis K. / International Conference on Ships and Offshore Structures ICSOS 2021, 6–8 September 2021, Hamburg, Germany.


7. Design against elastic buckling of rehabilitated corroded marine plates with CFRP patches based on FEA and computational DoE / Kallitsis N. and Anyfantis K. / International Conference on Ships and Offshore Structures ICSOS 2021, 6–8 September 2021, Hamburg, Germany.


1. Advanced Composite Materials Shafts Modelling / Bilalis EP and Tsouvalis NG  / Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Maritime Technology and Engineering (MARTECH 2020) / Lisbon, Portugal, 2020.


1. Ultimate compressive strength of eccentrically loaded stiffened panels in ship structures: A computational study / K. Anyfantis / 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering (OMAE2019) June 9 – 14, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland.

2. Μελέτη του διαγράμματος επαναφοράς εργαλειοχάλυβα H13 μετά απόκρυογενή κατεργασία, Α. Τσαρουχά, Δ. Παπαγεωργίου, Χ. Σαράφογλου, Δ. Μανωλάκος, Δ. Παντελής, 7ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Μεταλλικών Υλικών, 11-13 Δεκεμβρίου 2019, Αθήνα​


1. Powder metallurgy route aluminium foams: a study of the effect of powder morphology, compaction pressure and foaming temperature on the porous structureI.G. Papantoniou; D.I. Pantelis; D.E. Manolakos / 1st International Conference of the “Greek Society of Experimental Mechanics of Materials”, 10-12 May 2018, NTUA, Zografou Campus, Athens, Greece

2. Fracture toughness measurement of carbon steels with different directions of crack growthA. Traidia; E. Chatzidouros; M. Jouiad; D. Pantelis / 3rd International Conference on Metals and Hydrogen, presentation K03, Ghent, Belgium, 29-31 May 2018

3. Ship Design Process Using Life Cycle Integrated Independent Software of SHIPLYS Platform / D. Frank; G. Randall; T. Koch; B. Rodov; U.R. Bharadwaj; Y. Garbatov; P. Zhou; J.I. Zanon; N. Tsouvalis; I. Atanasova; L. Herrera; C. Volbeda / in Proceedings of the 23th Symposium on Theory and Practice of Shipbuilding (SORTA 2018), Split, Croatia, 27 - 29 September 2018

4. Long Term Deep Sea Exposure Effect on the Mechanical Properties of Filament Wound Composites / Papadakis A.Z., Kontsantinidis G.K. and Tsouvalis N.G. / in Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM-18), Athens, Greece, 2018.



1. Design for Manufacturing of Multi-material Mechanical Parts: A Computational Based Approach / K. Anyfantis, P. Foteinopoulos, P. Stavropoulos / Procedia CIRP 66, pp. 22-26/ 1st CIRP Conference on Composite Materials Parts Manufacturing, CIRP CCMPM  8- 9 June 2017, Karlsruhe, Germany. DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2017.03.365.

2. Fracture toughness measurement of pipeline steels with different directions for crack growthE. Chatzidouros; A. Traidia; M. Jouiad; D. Pantelis / 14th International Conference on Fracture (ICF 14), paper ID 974, in Proceedings - Vol. 2, pp. 778-779, 18-23 June 2017, Rhodes, Greece

3. On the feasibility of determining the Heat Transfer Coefficient in casting simulations by Genetic AlgorithmsA.N. Vasileiou; G.-C. Vosniakos; D.I. Pantelis / 27th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM2017), 27-30 June 2017, Modena, Italy

4. Prediction of Crater Size in Drilling and Texturing by Pulsed Laser AblationE. Stathatos; G.-C. Vosniakos; D. Pantelis / 9th International Congress on Precision Machining (ICPM2017), 6-9 September 2017, Athens, Greece, published in “Solid State Phenomena”, Vol. 261, 2017, pp. 129-134

5. Prediction of the Reinforcement Area (PRA) and the Number of Beads (PNB) in robotic steel arc welding with consumable wire: analytical modeling and extensive experimental validationM. Kazasidis; D.I. Pantelis / EUROMAT 2017, 17-22 September 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece

6. Microstructural and mechanical properties of friction stir welded 5083 aluminum alloys reinforced with micro- and nano-particlesD.A. Dragatogiannis; I.D. Pantelis; P.N. Karakizis; I. Kanellopoulou; D.I. Pantelis; C.A. Charitidis / EUROMAT 2017, 17-22 September 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece

7. Fabrication of AΑ5083 - Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNTs) composite metal foam by friction stir processing route (FSP) and microstructural characterizationG. Papantoniou; H.P. Kyriakopoulou; D.I. Pantelis; D.E. Manolakos / EUROMAT 2017, 17-22 September 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece

8. The effect of dry ice cooling on the microstructure of dissimilar friction stir welds between Aluminum and MagnesiumP.N. Karakizis; E.C. Nasioulas; S. Chionopoulos; D.I. Pantelis / 6th ICMEN, 5-6 October 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece

9. An attempt of 5083-H111 Aluminum alloy welding using variable concentrated solar energyD.G. Karalis; D.I. Pantelis; N.M. Daniolos; V.D. Bougiouri; J. Rodriguez; P.N. Karakizis; M.E. Kazasidis / 6th ICMEN, 5-6 October 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece

10. The effect of geometric and manufacturing parameters on filament wound composites split disk test results / Α.Ζ. Papadakis; J.G. Themelakis; N.G. Tsouvalis / in Proceedings of the International Congress of the International Maritime Association of the Mediterranean (IMAM 2017), Lisbon, Portugal, October 2017

11. Challenges and Problems with Data Availability and Quality during LCCA Calculations in the Early Ship Design Phases / P. Evangelou; C. Papaleonidas; D. Lyridis; N. Tsouvalis; P. Anaxagorou / in Proceedings of the International Congress of the International Maritime Association of the Mediterranean (IMAM 2017), Lisbon, Portugal, October 2017

12. Ship Lifecycle Software Solutions (SHIPLYS) – an overview of the project, its first phase of development and challenges / U.R. Bharadwaj; T. Koch; A. Milat; L. Herrera; G. Randall; C. Volbeda; Y. Garbatov; S. Hirdaris; N. Tsouvalis; A. Carneros; P. Zhou; I. Atanasova / in Proceedings of the International Congress of the International Maritime Association of the Mediterranean (IMAM 2017), Lisbon, Portugal, October 2017


1. Experimental investigation of roughness effect on the resistance of a flat plate (Chapter 37, pp. 309-315) / doi:10.1201/b21890-43) / E.D. Kiosidou; A.S. Venetis; D.E. Liarokapis; J.P. Trachanas; G.D. Tzabiras; D.I. Pantelis / Maritime Technology and Engineering III - proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Maritime Technology and Engineering (MARTECH 2016), Lisbon, Portugal, 4-6 July 2016 

2. An Experimental and Numerical Study of CFRP Pressure Housings for Deep Sea Environment Research / A.Z. Papadakis; N.G. Tsouvalis / in proceedings of the 26th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE-2016), Rhodes, Greece, June 26 – July 2, 2016

3. CFRP Strengthening of Steel Pipe Elbows Subjected to Cyclic Loading / I. Skarakis; G. Chatzopoulou; N.G. Tsouvalis; S.A. Karamanos; A.E. Pournara / in proceedings of the 26th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE-2016), Rhodes, Greece, June 26 – July 2, 2016

4. Numerical Simulation of CFRP Reinforced Steel Pipe Elbows Subjected to Cyclic Loading / G. Chatzopoulou; I. Skarakis; S.A. Karamanos; N.G. Tsouvalis; A.E. Pournara / in proceedings of the ASME 2016 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, Vancouver, Canada, 17-21 July, 2016

5. Friction Stir Welding of AA5083-H111 plates reinforced with a mixture of carbon nanotubes and silicon carbide particles / I.D. Pantelis; P.N. Karakizis; D.A. Dragatogiannis; C.A. Charitidis; D.I. Pantelis / FEMS Junior Euromat 2016, Lausanne, Switzerland, 10-14 July 2016

6. Δημιουργία σύνθετων επιφανειακών στρωμάτων υψηλής αντιτριβικής συμπεριφοράς με χρήση Συγκεντρωμένης Ηλιακής Ακτινοβολίας, Α. Μουρλάς, Π. Ψυλλάκη, Γ. Βουρλιάς, Ε. Παυλίδου, Χ. Σαράφογλου, Δ. Παντελής, 6ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Μεταλλικών Υλικών, Πανεπιστήμιο Ιωαννίνων, Ιωάννινα, 7-9 Δεκεμβρίου 2016, σελ.326-331.


1Fatigue crack growth performance of laser hybrid and arc welds of AH36 naval steelsE.V. Chatzidouros; D.I. Pantelis; D. TsiourvaA. Lopez / proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Marine Structures (MARSTRUCT 2015), Southampton, UK, 25-27 March 2015, published in “Analysis and Design of Marine Structures V”, chapter 26, edited by Carlos Guedes Soares and R. Ajit Shenoi, CRC Press 2015, pp. 225-231


2. Static and fatigue tests of hybrid composite-to-steel butt joints / E.A. Kotsidis; P. Yarza; N.G. Tsouvalis; R. de la Mano; E. Rodriguez-Senín / in proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Marine Structures (MARSTRUCT 2015), Southampton, UK, 25-27 March 2015, published in “Analysis and Design of Marine Structures V”, chapter 70, edited by Carlos Guedes Soares and R. Ajit Shenoi, CRC Press 2015, pp. 617-625

3. Co-deposition study of hybrid carbon nanotubes/Al2O3 in a nickel die in presence of additives, by the electrodeposition process, Chronopoulou N., Pavlatou E., Κarantonis A., Sarafoglou Ch., Pantelis D., 10th Panhellenic Scientific Chemical Engineering Congress, Patras, 4-6 June 2015, P0430, 8 pages.

4. Experimental investigation of FCAW-G weldments of HSLA AH40-FCA (Fatigue Crack Arrested) steel, used in marine applicationsM. Kazasidis; S. Chionopoulos; D. Pantelis18th International Conference on Ships and Shipping Research (NAV 2015), 24-26 June 2015, Campus of Lecco - Branch of Politecnico of Milan

5. Numerical assessment of fatigue crack growth in high stress concentration areas of an Aframax Tanker, using AH36 and HSLA steelsE.V. Chatzidouros; D.I. Pantelis18th International Conference on Ships and Shipping Research (NAV 2015), 24-26 June 2015, Campus of Lecco - Branch of Politecnico of Milan

6. Process parameter selection using Neural Networks for laser milling of woodI. Kyriopoulou; G.-C. Vosniakos; D.I. Pantelis; P.G. Benardos / proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM 2015), 23-26 June 2015, Wolverhampton, UK, Volume II, pp. 90-97

7. Photobiological hazard from artificial optical radiation in arc welding for occupational exposure assessment / A. Bourousis; F.V. Topalis; M.E. Kazasidis; D. Pantelis; A. Markoulis; A. Achtipis; C. Kappas; G.A. Gourzoulidis / proceedings of the Balkan Light 2015, 16-19 September 2015, Athens, Greece, pp. 293-299



1. Finite element parametric study of a composite-to-steel-joint / E.A. Kotsidis; I.G. Kouloukouras; N.G. Tsouvalis / in proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Maritime Technology and Engineering (MARTECH 2014), Lisbon, Portugal, 15-17 October 2014

2. Nd:YAG Laser surface micro-modification of tool steelsP.P. Psyllaki; D.I. Pantelis; G.-C. Vosniakos / proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering (ICMEN), Thessaloniki (Greece), 1-3 October 2014, pp. 343-350

3. Study of Al2O3-Aluminum matrix composites fabrication using friction stir processing techniqueD.I. Pantelis; P.N. Karakizis; N.M. Daniolos; S.A. Alexandratos; I.G. Papantoniou / proceedings of the 11th International Conference “THE-A” Coatings in Manufacturing Engineering, Thessaloniki (Greece), 1-3 October 2014, pp. 309-318

4. Feasibility study of friction stir processing on thick aluminum cold sprayed coatingsD.I. Pantelis; P.N. Karakizis; N.M. Daniolos / proceedings  of the 11th International Conference “THE-A” Coatings in Manufacturing Engineering, Thessaloniki (Greece), 1-3 October 2014, pp. 169-178

5. Evaluation of barrier properties of antifouling coatings on naval steelE. Kiosidou; A. Karantonis; D.I. Pantelis / 10th European Symposium on Electrochemical Engineering (10thESEE), poster, 28 September - 02 October 2014, Chia, Domus de Maria (CA), Sardinia, Italy


1. An Experimental and Numerical Study of Corroded Steel Plates Repaired with Composite Patches / V. Karatzas; E. Kotsidis; N. Tsouvalis / in proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Marine Structures (MARSTRUCT 2013), Espoo, Finland, March 2013

2. Numerical analysis of cracked marine structures repaired with composite patches / E.I. Avgoulas; V. Karatzas; I. Zilakos; N. Tsouvalis / in proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Marine Structures (MARSTRUCT 2013), Espoo, Finland, March 2013

3. A FE based numerical tool for crack assessment in ship structures employing the CSR loading scheme / I.K. Zilakos; V.A. Karatzas; E.V. Chatzidouros; V.J. Papazoglou; N.G. Tsouvalis / in proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Marine Structures (MARSTRUCT 2013), Espoo, Finland, March 2013

4. A computational tool for the analysis and design of structural adhesive joints / K. Anyfantis / 19th International Conference on Composite Materials, ICCM 2013; 28 July – 2 August 2013, Montreal, Canada.


1. Structural and mechanical properties of 7075-T651 aluminum alloy with incorporation of Al2O3 nanoparticles through Friction Stir / V. Antonakaki; E.P. Koumoulos; P.K. Diamantopoulos; D.I. Pantelis; C.A. Charitidis / 9th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies (NN12), poster, 3-6 July 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece



1. AA7075 / Al2O3 Surface Composite Materials Fabrication Using Friction Stir Processing / N.M. Daniolos; D.I. Pantelis; P.I. Sarafoglou / 2nd International Conference of Engineering Against Fracture (ICEAF II), 22-24 June 2011, Mykonos, Greece

2. Evaluation of mechanical properties of friction stir welded 6082 aluminum alloy using the micro- and nano- indentation techniques / N.M. Daniolos; E.P. Koumoulos; C.A. Charitidis; D.I. Pantelis / 2nd International Conference of Engineering Against Fracture (ICEAF II), 22-24 June 2011, Mykonos, Greece

3. Study of Material Flow During Friction Stir Welding of AA5083-H111 Plates Using Two Different Welding Speeds / N.M. Daniolos; D.I. Pantelis; V.J. Papazoglou / 2nd International Conference of Engineering Against Fracture (ICEAF II), 22-24 June 2011, Mykonos, Greece


4. Determination of onset on plasticity (yielding) and comparison of local mechanical properties of friction stir welded aluminum alloys AA5083 and AA6082 / E.P. Koumoulos; C.A. Charitidis; N.M. Daniolos; D.I. Pantelis / 2nd International Conference of Engineering Against Fracture (ICEAF II), 22-24 June 2011, Mykonos, Greece


5. Thermo-mechanical analysis of multi-pass welding – Grouping passes / A.P. Kyriakongonas; V.J. Papazoglou; D.I. Pantelis / 2nd International Conference of Engineering Against Fracture (ICEAF II), 22-24 June 2011, Mykonos, Greece

6. Sensors Location and Data Processing Algorithms of an Optical Fibers Hull Strength Monitoring System / A. Grasso; A. Vergine; D. Dimou; M. Samuelides; N. Tsouvalis; A. Ferrari / in proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Marine Structures (MARSTRUCT 2011), Hamburg, Germany, March 2011

7. Hydrogen effect on fracture toughness of API 5L X70, X65 and X52 pipeline steel welds: An overview / E.V. Chatzidouros; V.J. Papazoglou; D.I. Pantelis / 30th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2011), 19-24 June 2011, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, copyright 2011 by ASME (no 49348)


1. Nanomechanical Properties of Friction Stir Welded AA6082-T6 Aluminum Alloy / E.P. Koumoulos; N. Daniolos; D. Pantelis; C.A. Charitidis / 7th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies (NN10), 11-14 July 2010, Ouranoupolis Halkidiki (Greece), published in Materials Science and Engineering B

2. Numerical Prediction of the Response of Metal-to-Metal Adhesive Joints with Ductile Adhesives / N.G. Tsouvalis; K.N. Anyfantis / in proceedings of the BSSM Conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics 2010, Liverpool, September 2010 / doi:10.4028/

3. Characterization of Fiber Bridging in Mode II Fracture Growth of Laminated Composite Materials / K.N. Anyfantis; N.G. Tsouvalis / in proceedings of the BSSM Conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics 2010, Liverpool, September 2010 /  doi:10.4028/

4. Structural Monitoring of Ships’ Hulls Using Optical Sensors / M. Samuelides; N. Tsouvalis; D. Dimou; A. Ferrari; A. Grasso / in proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Hellenic Institute of Marine Technology, Athens, November 2010



1. The Effect of Surface Preparation on the Behaviour of Double Strap Adhesive Joints with Thick Steel Adherents / K.N. Anyfantis; N.G. Tsouvalis / in proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Marine Structures (MARSTRUCT 2009), Lisbon, Portugal, March 2009

2. Influence of process variables and tool’s design on friction stir welding (FSW) of marine aluminium alloys / S.K. Chionopoulos; D.I. Pantelis; V.J. Papazoglou; N. Daniolos / proceedings of the 13th International Congress of the International Maritime Association of Mediterranean (IMAM 2009), Istanbul (Turkey), 12-15 October 2009, Vol. II, pp. 429-436

3. Microstructural study of copper and copper/alumina composite coatings produced by cold spray process / D.I. Pantelis; K.I. Triantou; Ch.I. Sarafoglou; D.K. Christoulis; F. Borit; V. Guipont; M. Jeandin / presented at the International Conference on Processing & Manufacturing of Advanced Materials (THERMEC 2009), 25-29 August 2009, Berlin (Germany). It was published by the Journal of Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 89-91 (2010), pp.556-561


1. The accurate prediction of the thermal response of welded structures based on the Finite Element Method: Myth or Reality? / D.G. Karalis; V.J. Papazoglou; D.I. Pantelis / proceedings of the 1st International Conference of Engineering against Fracture, 28-30 May 2008, University of Patras (Greece), published by Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 2009, XI, pp. 513-529

2. Effect of tool pin and welding parameters on friction stir welded (FSW) marine aluminium alloys / S.K. Chionopoulos; Ch.I. Sarafoglou; D.I. Pantelis; V.J. Papazoglou / proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering (ICMEN), Chalkidiki (Greece), 1-3 October 2008, pp. 307-316

3. Investigation of centrifugal casting conditions influence on part qualityA.N. Vassiliou; D.I. Pantelis; G.-C. Vosniakos / proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering (ICMEN), Chalkidiki (Greece), 1-3 October 2008, pp. 347-356

4. Integrating design and production of precision traditional ceramics / T. Giannakakis; G.-C. Vosniakos; D. Pantelis / proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering (ICMEN), Chalkidiki (Greece), 1-3 October 2008, pp. 747-756

5. Case studies of cold sprayed coatings / K.I. Triantou; Ch.I. Sarafoglou; Th. Tsiourva; D.I. Pantelis; D.K. Christoulis; V. Guipont; M. Jeandin; M. Vardavoulias / proceedings of the 7th International Conference “The Coatings in Manufacturing Engineering", Chalkidiki (Greece), 1-3 October 2008, edited by K.-D. Bouzakis, Fr.-W. Bach, B. Denkena, M.Geiger, pp. 279-288

6. Experimental Investigation of Composite Patch Reinforced Corroded Steel Plates in Static Loading / N.G. Tsouvalis; L.S. Mirisiotis; T.E. Tsiourva / in proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM-13), Stockholm, Sweden, June 2008

7. The scope of Artificial Neural Network metamodels for precision casting process planning / G.-C. Vosniakos; V. Galiotou; D. I. Pantelis; P. Benardos; P. Pavlou / proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent  Manufacturing (FAIM 2008), June 2008, University of  Skövde (Sweden), pp.1321- 1328 [Also, published by “Journal of Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing”, Vol. 25 (2009), pp. 909-916]

8. Comparative studies on the cleaning effect of Nd:YAG, Er:YAG and CO2 laser sources on the surface of naval steel specimens / E. Drakaki; N. Karadimitriou; A.A. Serafetinides; D.I. Pantelis; Y. Agresti; S. Siano; M. Sawczak; G. Sliwinski / LASER OPTICS BERLIN, International Trade Fair and Convention for Optical & Laser Technologies, 17-19 March 2008, Catalogue, pp. 81

9. A microstructural study of cold sprayed Cu coatings on 2017 Al alloy / K.I. Triantou; Ch.I. Sarafoglou; D.I. Pantelis; D.K. Christoulis; V. Guipont; M. Jeandin; A. Zaroulias; M. Vardavoulias / proceedings of the International Thermal Spray Conference & Exposition ITSC 2008: Thermal Spray Crossing Borders, 2-4 June 2008, Maastricht (The Netherlands), edited by E. Lugscheider, (CD-ROM), pp. 49-53



1. A Review of the Causes of Production Defects in Marine Composite Structures and their Influence on Performance / B. Hayman; C. Berggreen; N.G. Tsouvalis / in proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Marine Structures, Glasgow, UK, March 2007

2. Experimental Investigation of a Composite Patch Reinforced Cracked Steel Plate in Static Loading / L.S. Mirisiotis; N.G. Tsouvalis / in proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation (FAST 2007), Shanghai, China, September 2007

3. Corrosion and its effects on the mechanical properties of AH36 steel welds / E. Badogiannis; D. Tsiourva; V.J. Papazoglou; D.I. Pantelis; N.G. Tsouvalis / 12th International Congress of the International Maritime Association of the Mediterranean (IMAM 2007), Varna (Bulgaria), 2-6 September 2007, published by Taylor & Francis Group, London, 2008, pp. 145-151

4. Development and Demonstration of an Integrated Methodology for the Design of RoRo-Passenger Ships for the Needs of Short Sea Shipping in Greece / G. Zaraphonitis; A. Papanikolaou; T. Loukakis; N.G. Tsouvalis; S. Skoupas; K. Mitsotakis; A. Antoniou / in proceedings of the 12th International Congress of the International Maritime Association of the Mediterranean (IMAM 2007), Varna (Bulgaria), 2-6 September 2007, published by Taylor & Francis Group, London, 2008, pp. 601-609

5. The combined influence of the substate roughness and temperature on the flattening of CuAl plasma sprayed droplets on AISI304L / D.K. Christoulis; D.I. Pantelis; F. Borit; V. Guipont; M. Jeandin / proceedings of the 21st International Conference on SMT ("Surface Modification Technologies XXI"), Paris (France), 24-26 September 2007, edited by T.S. Sudarshan and M. Jeandin, published by "The Institute of Materials", (2008), (CD-ROM)

6. Fatigue Behaviour of Composite Patch Reinforced Steel Plates / N.G. Tsouvalis; L.S. Mirisiotis; V.J. Papazoglou / in proceedings of the International Conference on Structural Analysis of Advanced Materials (ICSAM 2007), Patras, Greece, September 2007



1. A stereoscopic method for the study of Plasma Sprayed Splats / D.K. Christoulis; N. De Dave-Fabregue; F. Borit; V. Guipont; M. Jeandin; D.I. Pantelis / proceedings of the 15th IFHTSE and SMT 20 (“International Federation for Heat Treatment and Surface  Engineering and Surface Modification Technologies Congress 2006"), Vienna (Austria), 25-29 September 2006, edited by T.S. Sudarshan  and M. Jeandin, published by "The Institute of Materials", (2006), (CD-ROM)

2. Parametric Study of Stress Concentrations Caused by Inserts in Sandwich Plates / N.G. Tsouvalis; M.J. Kollarini / in proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM-12), Biarritz, France, August 2006


1. Optimisation of flask initial temperature and alloy melt temperature in investment casting / N.K. Karagiannis; N.D. Pagratis; D.I. Pantelis; G.-C. Vosniakos / proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering - ICMEN, Kallithea-Chalkidiki (Greece), 5-7 October 2005, pp. 273-282


2. Study of flattening mechanism of plasma sprayed copper particles / D.K. Christoulis; D.I. Pantelis; F. Borit; V. Guipont; M. Jeandin / proceedings of the 5th International Conference "The Coatings in Manufacturing Engineering", Kallithea-Chalkidiki (Greece), 5-7 October 2005, pp. 229-239

3. Surface treatments of valves materials and their effects on surface characteristics / Ch.I. Sarafoglou; D.I. Pantelis; A. Karantzalis / proceedings of the 5th International Conference ‘The Coatings in Manufacturing Engineering, Kallithea-Chalkidiki (Greece), 5-7 October 2005, pp. 443-452

4. Modelling the Vacuum Infusion Process for a Small Composite Powerboat / N.G. Tsouvalis; I.S. Ioannou / proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation (FAST 2005), Saint-Petersburg, Russia, June 2005

5. Corrosion behavior of shipbuilding high strength steel welds employing electrochemical methods / D. Tsiourva; L.I. Dimaratos; D.I. Pantelis; V.J. Papazoglou / proceedings of the 11th International Maritime Association of the Meditarranean Congress - IMAM - Maritime Transportation and Exploitation of Ocean and Coastal Resources, Lisbon (Portugal), 26 – 30 September 2005, published by Taylor & Francis, London, 2005, pp. 543-548


1. Nanophased thermal sprayed alloyed steel coatings for diesel engine components / N. Petsas; A. Moutsatsou; G. Papapanos; S. Economou; M. Vardavoulias; D.I. Pantelis; Ch.I. Sarafoglou / proceedings of the 18th International Conference SMT18 ("Surface Modification Technologies XVIII"), Dijon (France), 15-17 November 2004, edited by T.S. Sudarshan, M. Jeandin and J.J. Stiglich, published by ASM International, UK, 2006, pp. 439-443

2. Solar treatment of pre-deposited and atmospheric plasma sprayed WC-17%Co powder on Stainless Steel 304L / D.I. Pantelis; A.V. Griniari / proceedings of the 18th International Conference SMT18 ("Surface Modification Technologies XVIII"), Dijon (France), 15-17 November 2004, edited by T.S. Sudarshan, M. Jeandin and J.J. Stiglich, published by ASM International, UK, 2006, pp. 159-167

3. Effect of substrate roughness and temperature on splat formation in plasma sprayed Aluminium Bronze / D.K. Christoulis; D.I. Pantelis; F. Borit; V. Guipont; M. Jeandin / proceedings of the 18th International Conference SMT18 ("Surface Modification Technologies XVIII"), Dijon (France), 15-17 November 2004, edited by T.S. Sudarshan, M. Jeandin and J.J. Stiglich, published by ASM International, UK, 2006, pp. 73-83

4. Air Plasma-Sprayed Titanium Coatings produced using different oxidation conditions / Ch.I. Sarafoglou; D.I. Pantelis; F. Borit; V. Guipont; M. Jeandin / proceedings of the 18th International Conference SMT18 ("Surface Modification Technologies XVIII"), Dijon (France), 15-17 November 2004, edited by T.S. Sudarshan, M. Jeandin and J.J. Stiglich, published by ASM International, UK, 2006, pp. 119-125

5. Wear behavior of Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene against Al2O3 and Ti6Al4V / D.I. Pantelis; CH. Sarafoglou; B. Lekou; G. Pantazopoulos / proceedings of the 18th International Conference SMT18 ("Surface Modification Technologies XVIII"), Dijon (France), 15-17 November 2004, edited by T.S. Sudarshan, M. Jeandin and J.J. Stiglich, published by ASM International, UK, 2006, pp. 433-438

6. Lightweight Composite Pressure Housings for Mid-Water and Benthic Applications / V. Papazoglou; F. Livingstone; P. Chauchot; G. Jennequin; I. Kilpatrick; R. Meddes; P. Stevenson; V. Antonelli; N. Tsouvalis; J. Williams / proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM 11), Rhodes, Greece, June 2004

7. Development and Evaluation of Analytical Formulae for Predicting the Mechanical Properties of Glass/Polyester Composites Used in Boat Building / N.G. Tsouvalis; D. Neofotistos; C. Chatzigiaksoglou; V. Maragoudakis / proceedings of the 7th National Congress on Mechanics, Chania, Hellas, June 2004


1. Design Curves for Selecting Hat-Type Stiffeners in FRP BoatsN.G. Tsouvalis; G. Spanopoulos / proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation (FAST 2003), Ischia, Italy, October 2003

2. Structural Design of Deep Water Composite Pressure Housings – Material Selection and Modeling Guidelines / N. Tsouvalis; P. Chauchot; F. Livingstone; V. Papazoglou; V. Antonelli; J. Williams / proceedings of the 8th International Marine Design Conference (IMDC’03), Athens, Greece, May 2003

3. On agile manufacturing of custom hip stems / G.-C. Vosniakos; A. Krimpenis; P. Zampakos; D. Pantelis; C. Provatidis; B. Lekou; K. Karouzos / proceedings of the 18th International Conference on “Computer-aided Production Engineering” (CAPE-2003), 18-19 March 2003, The University of Edinburgh, UK, pp.469-478



1. High power CO2 laser surface treatments of a plain carbon steel used in Power Plants / D.I.  Pantelis; A.H. Houndri / proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering (ICMEN), 3-4 October 2002, Sani, Halkidiki (Greece), edited by K.-D. Bouzakis, pp. 721-730

2. Tribological behavior of Molybdenum-base alloyed surfaces of 304L SS produced by Solar and APS treatments / D. I. Pantelis; A. Griniari; Ch. Sarafoglou; G. Economou / proceedings of the 3rd International Conference: "The Coatings in Manufacturing Engineering", 28-29 November 2002, Thessaloniki (Greece), pp. 441-449

3. Tribological behavior of plasma sprayed Zirconia coatings on stainless steels with and without solar treatment / D.I. Pantelis; Ch. Sarafoglou; A. Griniari; P. Assimidis / proceedings of the 3rd International Conference: "The Coatings in Manufacturing Engineering", 27-29 November 2002, Thessaloniki (Greece), pp. 461-470

4. FE Modeling of Composite Marine Propellers / N.V. Vasileiou; N.G. Tsouvalis / proceedings of the 10th International Congress of the International Maritime Association of the Mediterranean (IMAM 2002), Rethymno, Hellas, May 2002

5. Aspects thermiques, métallurgiques et mécaniques des joints soudés en alliages d’ aluminium utilisés en construction navale / D.I. Pantelis; S. Chionopoulos / proceedings of the “TransAl 2002: Congrès International sur l’ aluminium et sa mise en forme à chaud: moulage et forgeage” CORDA, Lyon (France), 9-12 June 2002 (in CD form)



1. Wear behavior of cermet coatings on steel formed by three different surface treatment techniques / D.I. Pantelis; A. Choundri; H. Hontzopoulos; G. Palli / proceedings of the 14th International Conference SMT14 ("Surface Modification Technologies XIV"), Paris (France), 11-13 September 2000, edited by T.S. Sudarshan and M. Jeandin, published by ASM International, UK, 2001, pp. 604-612

2. Surface alloying of ceramic powders on ferrous substrates using concentrated solar energy / D. Pantelis; A. Griniari; A. Choundri / proceedings of the 14th International Conference SMT14 ("Surface Modification Technologies XIV"), Paris (France), 11-13 September 2000, edited by T.S. Sudarshan and M. Jeandin, published by ASM Innternational, UK, 2001, pp. 353-359

3. Transition Ring Design for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle / N.G. Tsouvalis; A.A. Zaphiratou; V.J. Papazoglou; P. Stevenson; et al / proceedings of the 4th International Colloquium on Computation of Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS-IACM 2000), M. Papadrakakis, A. Samartin and E. Onate (editors), Chania, Greece, 4-7 June 2000

4. Parametric Study of Composite Cylinders under Hydrostatic Load: Effect of End Closures and Lay-Up / N.G. Tsouvalis; A.A. Zaphiratou; V.J. Papazoglou / proceedings of the 4th International Colloquium on Computation of Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS-IACM 2000), M. Papadrakakis, A. Samartin and E. Onate (editors), Chania, Greece, 4-7 June 2000



1. Determination of residual stress distribution of silicon nitride – nodular cast iron in the interior brazed joints by means of neutron diffraction / M. Kouzeli; M. Ceretti; V. Michaud; C. Prioul; D. Pantelis; A. Lodini / proceedings of the 6th International Conference ‘Analyse des Contraintes Residuelles des Materiaux aux Bio-Materiaux’ (MATEC ’97), Reims (France), 4-5 Novembre 1997, IITT-International, 1997, ch. 6, pp. 313-319

2. A thermomechanical approach of plasma sprayed Al2O3 coatings on cast-iron substrate / D.I. Pantelis; I. Kyriopoulou; P. Psyllaki; M. Vardavoulias / proceedings of the 11th International Conference SMT11 ("Surface Modification Technologies XI"), Paris (France), 8-10 September 1997, edited by T.S. Sudarshan, M. Jeandin and K.A. Khor, published by "The Institute of Materials", 1997, London, pp. 306-311

3. Influence of prior Plastic Deformation on Liquid Nitrocarburising of Tool Steels / D.I. Pantelis; G. Pantazopoulos; P. Psyllaki; J. Sideris / proceedings of the 11th International Conference SMT11 ("Surface Modification Technologies XI"), Paris (France), 8-10 September 1997, edited by T.S. Sudarshan, M. Jeandin and K.A. Khor, published by "The Institute of Materials", 1997, London, pp. 539-545

4. Environmental sensitivity criteria for mechanical product design evaluation / M.M. Sfantsikopoulos; D.I. Pantelis / ASME Conference 1997: International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Session MED-3, Dallas Texas, 16-21 November 1997, proceedings vol. 94, pp. 207-213

5. Finite Element Buckling Analysis of Carbon Epoxy Cylinders / V.J. Papazoglou; N.G. Tsouvalis / proceedings of  the 1st Hellenic Conference on Composite Materials and Structures, Democritus University of Thrace, School of Engineering, Xanthi, Greece, 2-5 July 1997, pp. 508-526

6. Failure modes of glass fiber reinforced polymeric tubes under static and dynamic loading / D.I. Pantelis; N.M. Vaxevanidis; P.P. Psyllaki; S. Gouveri / proceedings of the 1st Hellenic Conference on Composite Materials and Structures, Democritus University of Thrace, School of Engineering, Xanthi, Greece, 2-5 July 1997, pp. 745-760​

7. Large scale laser surface treatment of plain carbon steel coal mill plates in power plants / D.I. Pantelis; K.N. Vonatsos; A.E. Houndri / 2nd GR-I International Conference on New Laser Technologies and Applications (SPIE), 1-4 June 1997, Ancient Olympia (Greece), Session G ‘Laser in Industry & Material Processing’


1. Etude microstructurale et mécanique d’assemblages brasés nitrure de silicium/fonte à graphite sphéroïdal / I. Kyriopoulou; N. Buiron; V. Michaud; C. Prioul; D. Pantelis / Journées d’Automne 1996, Paris (France), 15-17 Octobre 1996, La Revue de Métallurgie-CIT, SF2M, JA 96, -1.17-, p. 126



1. A Parametric Study on Alternative Stiffening Arrangements for the 470 Sailing Dinghy / D.N. Dimou; V.J. Papazoglou; N.G. Tsouvalis / proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Composite Materials (COMP '95), Corfu, Greece, September 1995, pp. 266-272

2. Net-shape manufacturing of metal/superconducting ceramic/metal rods by explosive compaction and warm extrusion / A.G. Mamalis; A. Szalay; D.I. Pantelis; G. Pantazopoulos/ proceedings of the International Conference on Metallurgical and Materials Applications of Shock-Wave and High-Strain-Rate Phenomena (EXPLOMET ’95), published by Elsevier Science B.V., 1995, pp. 747-754

3. Effect of the excimer laser surface treatment on ion-plated thin Mn-coating on steel substrate / D. Pantelis; G. Pantazopoulos / proceedings of the EUROMAT ΄95 ("4th European Conference on Advanced Materials and Processes"), Padua/Venice (Italy), 25-28 September 1995, pp. 353-356

4. Manufacturing of high-Tc superconducting paths on the surface of metal conducting substrate using a high power CO2 laser / D. Pantelis; A.G. Mamalis; G. Pantazopoulos / proceedings of the EUROMAT ΄95 ("4th European Conference on Advanced Materials and Processes"), Padua/Venice (Italy), 25-28 September 1995, pp. 349-352


1. An empirical relationship for the prediction of the maximum depth of the melted zone in the case of laser melt particle injection processing / G. Pantazopoulos; D. Pantelis / proceedings of the 8th International Conference  SMT8 ("Surface Modification Technologies VIII"), Nice (France), 26-28 September 1994, edited by T.S. Sudarshan and M. Jeandin, published by "The Institute of Materials", 1995, pp. 407-414

2. On the excimer laser micromachining of Ni-based alloys / D. Pantelis; P. Psyllaki / proceedings of the 8th International Conference  SMT8 ("Surface Modification Technologies VIII"), Nice (France), 26-28 September 1994, edited by T.S. Sudarshan and M. Jeandin, published by "The Institute of Materials", 1995, pp. 400-406

3. Large scale pulsed laser surface treatment of a lamellar graphite cast iron / D. Pantelis; G. Pantazopoulos / proceedings of the 8th International Conference SMT8 ("Surface Modification Technologies VIII"), Nice (France), 26-28 September 1994, edited by T.S. Sudarshan and M. Jeandin, published by "The Institute of Materials", 1995, pp. 297-309​




1. On the rolling of bimetallic explosively cladded plates / A.G. Mamalis; N.M. Vaxevanidis; D. I. Pantelis / Advanced Technology of Plasticity 1993, proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity, Beijing, China, Sept. 1993, pp. 874-879

2. Large Deflection Response of Simply Supported Laminates Subjected to Lateral Time Dependent Loads / N.G. Tsouvalis; V.J. Papazoglou / in proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM-9), Madrid, Spain, July 1993, pp. 183-190

3. Experimental Study of the Variation in Mechanical Characteristics of Orthotropic Laminates Immersed in Water by a Non Destructive Method / P. Castaing; L. Lemoine; N. Tsouvalis / in proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM-9), Madrid, Spain, July 1993, pp. 577-584


1. Mechanical Property Degradation of Gelcoated Glass-Fiber Reinforced Polyesters in Sea Water / P. Castaing; N.G. Tsouvalis; L. Lemoine / in proceedings of the International Conference Nautical Construction with Composite Materials, Paris, France, December 1992, pp. 347-355

2. Mesure et modélisation des contraintes résiduelles induites par les traitements laser / M. Freitas, H. Michaud, D. Pantelis / Colloque Contraintes Résiduelles "FRANCE-PORTUGAL", 28-30 April 1992, Luso-Buçaco, Portugal, Session II.

3. Theories for Bending and Static Buckling of Laminated Anisotropic Rectangular Plates: A Survey / N.G. Tsouvalis; V.J. Papazoglou / in Phase Interaction in Composite Materials/ proceedings of COMP '88 International Symposium, Patras, Greece, August 1988, Omega Scientific, Oxon, 1992, pp. 439-446



1. Laser melting treatment by overlapping passes of preheated Nickel electrodeposited coatings on Al-Si alloy / D. Pantelis; A. Houndri; S. Polymenis; Y. Chryssoulakis / 2nd International Conference "Laser M2P", Grenoble (France), 9-11 Juillet 1991, Journal de Physique IV, Vol.1, Colloque C7, Suppl. au Journal de Physique III, no12, Dec. 1991, pp. 111-116​​​

2. Fatigue behavior of pearlitic S.G. cast irons after laser surface heat treatments / Y. Guan; D. Pantelis; D. Chambolle; S. Parent-Simonin; Ph. Poupeau / 2nd International Conference "Laser M2P", Grenoble (France), 9-11 Juillet 1991, Journal de Physique IV, Vol.1, Colloque C7, Suppl. au Journal de Physique III, no12, Dec. 1991, pp. 81-86

3. Excimer laser surface treatment of 42CD4 and Z160CDV12 steel substrates / C. Papaphilippou; D. Pantelis; E. Hontzopoulos / 2nd International Conference "Laser M2P", Grenoble (France), 9-11 July 1991, Journal de Physique IV, Vol.1, Colloque C7, Suppl. au Journal de Physique III, no12, Dec. 1991, pp. 33-38




1. Laser remelting of plasma-sprayed coatings to improve their wear resistance at high stress and high temperature / D. Pantelis; J.P. Montagnon; Ph. Poupeau; B. Mulot / proceedings of the 4th International Conference SMT4 ("Surface Modification Technologies IV"), Paris, 6-9 Novembre 1990, edited by T.S. Sudarshan, D.G. Bhat and M. Jeandin, published by ‘The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society’, 1991, pp. 903-908

2. Microstructural study of tungsten carbide-reinforced Ni-based superficial composite obtained by laser melt-particle injection processing / F. Bucher; C. Sainte-Catherine; M. Jeandin; J.P. Montagnon; D. Pantelis / proceedings of the 4th International Conference SMT4 ("Surface Modification Technologies IV"), Paris, France, 6-9 Novembre 1990, edited by T.S. Sudarshan, D.G. Bhat and M. Jeandin, published by ‘The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society’, 1991, pp. 875-879

3. Me­thodologies for the Structural Analysis and Design of F.R.P. Hulls / V.J. Papazoglou; J.V. Sanoudos; N.G. Tsouvalis / in proceedings of the 5th I.M.A.E.M. International Congress on Marine Technology, Athens, Greece, May 1990, pp. 184-188.

4. Bending of Bi­mo­du­lus Specially Orthotropic Laminated Plates / N.G. Tsouvalis; V.J. Papazoglou / in Advanced Composites in Emerging Technologies/ proceedings of COMP '90 International Symposium, Patras, Greece, August 1990, AMATEC Publs., Patras, 1991, pp. 507-523

5. Superficial Aluminum alloys formation by electrodeposition from alkali chloride melts and by Laser techniques / C. Papaphilippou; Y. Chryssoulakis; D. Pantelis / proceedings of the EUCHEM Conference on Molten Salts, 2-8 Sept. 1990, Rio-Patras, Greece, B14



1. Réalisation de couches supraconductrices par laser de puissance à partir d'une poudre supraconductrice du type YBaCuO7-δ / V. Djafari; D. Pantelis; D. Francois; A. Rist / Mémoires et Etudes Scientifiques de la Revue de Métallurgie, no9, Septembre 1989, pp. 487 ("Journées d΄Automne de la S.F.M.", 17-19 Octobre 1989, Paris)

2. Laser surface alloying of 42CD4 steel with tungsten carbide powder injection / C. Montez; M. Freitas; D. Pantelis; H. Michaud / proceedings of the 2nd International Seminar ("Surface Engineering With High Energy Beams"), 25-27 Septembre 1989, Lisbonne, Portugal



1. Towards Computer-Aided Design of F.R.P. Hulls / V.J. Papazoglou; N.G. Tsouvalis / proceedings of the 4th I.M.A.E.M. Conference, Varna, Bulgaria, 1987, Vol. 2, pp. 45.1-45.7

National Technical University of Athens

School of Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering

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