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More than 280 students have completed their diploma theses in STL since 1985

List of diploma theses since 2011

(Note that most of them are written in Greek) 




  1. Πλατυπόδης Ευστάθιος, "Stiffened panels subjected to uniform pressure loads: Theoretical and numerical modeling strategies" Επιβλέπων: Κ. Ανυφαντής dspace

  2. Ρομφαίας Μαργαρίτης, "Σχεδιασμός ιδιοκατασκευής δοκιμών στρέψης σε άξονες από σύνθετα υλικά" (in Greek) / Επιβλέπων: Ν. Τσούβαλης dspace

  3. Χατζίνας Παναγιώτης, "Πειραματική παραμετρική μελέτη μέτρησης μηχανικών ιδιοτήτων σύνθετων υλικών από περιέλιξη ινών και εφαρμογή στατιστικής ανάλυσης" (in Greek) / Επιβλέπων: Ν. Τσούβαλης 

  4. Mitsika Evrydiki, "Study of the corrosion behavior of S560 and S700 steels" / Επιβλέπων: Ν. Τσούβαλης dspace


  1. Μπιταξή Γεωργία, "Μελέτη μετασκευής πλοίου μεταφοράς χύδην φορτίου" (in Greek) / Επιβλέπων: Κ. Ανυφαντής

  2. Γιατζιτζόγλου Γεώργος, "Παραμετρική αριθμητική ανάλυση σταδιακής αστοχίας υβριδικών κολλητών συνδέσμων χάλυβα - σύνθετου υλικού" (in Greek) / Επιβλέπων: Ν. Τσούβαλης

  3. Τσαγανός Λεωνίδας, "Redesign options of large container vessels in order to comply better with the COFASTRANS system for loading/unloading from both sides" /  Επιβλέπων: Ν. Τσούβαλης

  4. Καρτέρη Κωνσταντίνα, "Application of non-destructive testing using ultrasound method for detection of defects in filament wound composite materials" / Ν. Τσούβαλης

  5. Βογιατζάκης Γεώργος, "Ανακύκλωση σκαφών από σύνθετα υλικά" (in Greek) / Επιβλέπων: Ν. Τσούβαλης

  6. Βαβάτσικος Δημήτριος, "Static torsional tests of composite driveshafts" / Επιβλέπων: Ν. Τσούβαλης

  7. Μπαρδούτσος Άγγελος, "Study & comparison of classification societies’ rules and regulations on metallic material, composite materials & design loads of small crafts" / Επιβλέπων: Ν. Τσούβαλης

  8. Μερασεδόγλου Νικόλαος, "Κατασκευαστικός σχεδιασμός γάστρας ταχύπλοου σκάφους από σύνθετα υλικά με εφαρμογή της μεθόδου πεπερασμένων στοιχείων" (in Greek) / Επιβλέπων: Ν. Τσούβαλης

  9. Κεραμίδης Μιχαήλ, "Μελέτη αντικατάστασης άξονα του Εργαστηρίου Ναυτικής Μηχανολογίας από νέο από σύνθετα υλικά" (in Greek) / Επιβλέπων: Ν. Τσούβαλης

  10. Πετικίδη Άλκηστις, "Mechanical design of a Double Cantilever Beam subjected to Uneven Bending Moments (DCB-UBM) testing apparatus" / Επιβλέπων: Κ. Ανυφαντής

  11. Καραφέρα Τζούλια, "Παρακολούθηση & μελέτη συγκολλήσεων σε πλοίο μεταφοράς φορτίου χύδην χτιζόμενο σε Ναυπηγείο της Ιαπωνίας" (in Greek) / Επιβλέπων: Κ. Ανυφαντής

  12. Παπανικολάου Νικόλαος, "Buckling strength of stiffened panels found in ship hull structures: Surrogate modeling of Finite Element Analyses" / Επιβλέπων: Κ. Ανυφαντής

  13. Ντούνη Αικατερίνη, "Detailed Finite Element modeling of sandwich material coupons used for core characterization in shear" Επιβλέπων: Κ. Ανυφαντής

  14. Γιώργος Γιαννόπουλος, "Βελτιστοποίηση διαστάσεων των επί μέρους κατασκευαστικών στοιχείων της γάστρας πλοίων μέσω αριθμητικών προσομοιώσεων" (in Greek) Επιβλέπων: Κ. Ανυφαντής

  15. Νίκος Παπανικολάου, "Buckling strength of stiffened panels found in ship hull structures: Surrogate modeling of Finite Element Analyses" Επιβλέπων: Κ. Ανυφαντής

  16. Νίκος Σιλιώνης, "Damage identification in thin-walled girders through a FE-based digital twin" Επιβλέπων: Κ. Ανυφαντής



  1. Κυπριάδης Μίνως, "Πειραματική και αριθμητική μελέτη δοκιμών κάμψης τριών σημείων χαλύβδινων δοκών ενισχυμένων με επιθέματα CFRP" (in Greek) / Επιβλέπων: Ν. Τσούβαλης

  2. Μερτινός Δημήτριος, "Μελέτη της σύνδεσης διά τριβής πακών πολυαιθυλενίου" (in Greek) / Επιβλέπων: Δ. Ι. Παντελής

  3. Κροντηράς Παναγιώτης, "Διεξαγωγή πειραματικών δοκιμών μέτρησης αντοχής σε διαστρωματική διάτμηση σε σύνθετα υλικά" (in Greek) / Επιβλέπων: Ν. Τσούβαλης

  4. Gelegenis Avraam, "Antifouling technology and vessel's performance" / Supervisor: D.I. Pantelis

  5. Συμεωνίδη Δήμητρα, "Μέθοδοι εκτίμησης συμπεριφοράς μεταλλικών υλικών σε ρωγμάτωση λόγω διάβρωσης υπό μηχανική καταπόνηση (SCC), (in Greek) / Επιβλέπων: Δ. Ι. Παντελής

  6. Μπελντέκος Ιωάννης, "Μελέτη της επίδρασης του υδρογόνου στην μηχανική συμπεριφορά χαλύβδινων συγκολλητών σωληνώσεων μεταφοράς πετρελαιοειδών και υδρογονανθράκων" (in Greek) / Επιβλέπων: Δ. Ι. Παντελής

  7. Λάνγκος Θεόδωρος, "Κρυογενική κατεργασία εργαλειοχάλυβα Uddeholm Ovar 2M" (in Greek) / Επιβλέπων: Δ. Ι. Παντελής

  8. Μπίρμπας Ευστάθιος, "Υπολογισμός της μέγιστης διαμήκους αντοχής φορτηγού πλοίου μεταφοράς χύδην ξηρού φορτίου με χρήση της μεθόδου των πεπερασμένων στοιχείων", (in Greek) / Επιβλέπων: Κ. Ανυφαντής

  9. Παρασκευόπουλος Παρασκευάς, "Μελέτη αντοχής 75000DWT bulk carrier" (in Greek) Επιβλέπων: Κ. Ανυφαντής


  1. Toki Christina, "Investigation of the through-process (sub)surface condition of Dual Phase steel grades for the understanding of temperature deviation in Glavanizing Line 3 (of Tata Steel IJmuiden)" / Supervisor: D.I. Pantelis

  2. Kollaros Dimitrios, "Butt friction stir welding between thin plates (1.5mm) of similar and dissimilar aluminum alloys (AA7075 and AA6082)" (in Greek) / Supervisor: D.I. Pantelis

  3. Farantos Christos, "Study of hydrogen embrittlement on heterogeneous friction stir welded laminates AA5083-H111 - AA6082-T6" (in Greek) / Supervisor: D.I. Pantelis

  4. Liadi Polyxeni, "Susceptibility to corrosion of AH36 and S690 weldments in Shipbuilding Industry" / Supervisor: D.I. Pantelis

  5. Tsarouha Anthi, "Cryogenic treatment of uddeholm orvar 2M tool steel" / Supervisor: D.I. Pantelis

  6. Potamianos Gerasimos, "Study of the heterogeneous welding bMpeletween AH 40 FCA and AH 36 by robotic MCAW" / Supervisor: D.I. Panteli

  7. Chronakis Konstantinos, "Flow modeling of friction stir welding of 6082 aluminum alloy plates using ANSYS software" / Supervisor: D.I. Pantelis


  1. Assimakopoulos Ioannis, "Flow modeling of friction stir butt welding between 5083 aluminum alloy plates by using the Comsol multiphysics software" (in Greek) / Supervisor: D.I. Pantelis

  2. Bilalis Ilias, "Experimental and Numerical Study of Composite Shafts"  / Supervisor: N.G. Tsouvalis

  3. Tsonos Angelos, "Structural Design of CNG Storing Composite Pressure Vessels for Marine Applications" / Supervisor: N.G. Tsouvalis

  4. Themelakis Ioannis, "Experimental parametric study on the mechanical properties of composite materials' ring-shaped specimens" (in Greek) / Supervisor: N.G. Tsouvalis


  1. Garganidis Panagiotis, “Security plan and occupational risk assessment at the Shipbuilding Technology Laboratory” (Supervisor: N.G. Tsouvalis)

  2. Efthymiou Anna, “Study of microstructure and corrosion behavior of high strength steel (AH36, S690) weldments produced by friction stir welding” (Supervisor: D.I. Pantelis)

  3. Themelakis Aggelos, “Application of non-destructive ultrasonic testing in detecting imperfections in composite materials”(Supervisor: N.G. Tsouvalis)

  4. Lampi Sevasti, “Study of microstructure and corrosion behavior of heterogeneous welds of naval steels” (Supervisor: D.I. Pantelis)

  5. Petropoulos Vasileios, “The heat input effect on the microstructure of AH40-FCA steel weldments produced by using the robotic MCAW technique” (Supervisor: D.I. Pantelis)

  6. Anastasiou Argyris, “Conversion of a tool machine to a FSW unit (Friction Stir Welding) and laboratory tests on sheets of 5083-H111” (Supervisor: D.I. Pantelis)

  7. Kouzoumis Konstantinos, “Numerical simulation of electrochemical behavior for naval steel microstructure exploiting experimental polarization data” (Supervisor: D.I. Pantelis)

  8. Traka Konstantina, “Numerical simulation of elestrochemical behavior for naval steel microstructure via tafel curves extrapolation method” (Supervisor: D.I. Pantelis)


  1. Bakas Athanasios, “Study of microstructure and corrosion behavior of welds produced by arc and hybrid laser-arc welding” (Supervisor: D.I. Pantelis)

  2. Prionas Emmanouil, “Study of antifouling coating systems applied on naval steel substrate after aging tests” (Supervisor: D.I. Pantelis)

  3. Papadopoulos Michail, “Experimental study of the static tensile behavior of cracked aluminum plates reinforced with patches of composite materials” (Supervisor: N.G. Tsouvalis)

  4. Koutsoukos, Giorgos, “Hybrid friction stir welding assisted by gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW)” (Supervisor: D.I. Pantelis)


  1. Tripodakis Nikolaos, “On line programming of a robotic arm in order to study the feeding process of steel plates through the FCAW technique” (Supervisor: D.I. Pantelis)

  2. Tsiligkiri Danai, “Parametric study of steel plates with defects, reinforced with composite patches” (Supervisor: N.G. Tsouvalis)

  3. Avgikos Ioannis, “Study of corrosion's behavior of stainless steel's welds (316L)” (Supervisor: D.I. Pantelis)

  4. Fourkas Vlasios, “Corrosion behavior of super-hydrophobic copper surfaces in 3.5% NaCI solution” (Supervisor: D.I. Pantelis)

  5. Mikerozis Grigoris, “Execution of FCAW butt welding on dual phase FCA steels by using the IGM RT 330.1 automated welding arm” (Supervisor: D.I. Pantelis)

  6. Tasiopoulos Antonios, “Corrosion of cargo holds in dry cargo bulk carriers” (Supervisor: D.I. Pantelis)

  7. Ioannidis Konstantinos, “Applications of cryogenic treatment” (Supervisor: D.I. Pantelis)


  1. Vlachos Dimitrios, “Numerical analysis of composite materials buckling with delamination” (Supervisor: N.G. Tsouvalis)

  2. Zachmanoglou Filippos, “Numerical and experimental study of adhesive joints between metals and composite materials” (Supervisor: N.G. Tsouvalis)

  3. Damianidou Yvonni-Effrosyni, “Direct Laser Metal Deposition of Titanium Matrix Composites and Analysis of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties” (Supervisor: D.I. Pantelis)

  4. Bikli Kerasia, “Study of Accelerated Aging Methods and Evaluation of Organic Coatings on Steel Grade A Substrate” (Supervisor: D.I. Pantelis)

  5. Lignou Eleni-Konstantina, “Explosive Welding of Aluminum/Steel for Marine Structural Applications” (Supervisor: D.I. Pantelis)

  6. Makrydakis Apostolos, “Hybrid laser-arc welding in shipbuilding technology” (Supervisor: D.I. Pantelis)

  7. Tsoulakos Nikolaos, “Protection of metals through antifouling coatings” (Supervisor: D.I. Pantelis)

  8. Skampis Eris, “Experimental and arithmetical examination of delaminated composite beams under three-point bending” (Supervisor: N.G. Tsouvalis)

  9. Prodromidis Georgios, “Non-destructive examination of aluminum welds with the ultrasonic technique” (Supervisor: V.J. Papazoglou)


  1. Frydas Ionannis, “Numerical parametric study of the resistance to fatigue of cracked specimens, reinforced with composite patches” (Supervisor: N.G. Tsouvalis)

  2. Chasiotis Theodore, “Non destructive testing of multilayer composite materials for shipbuilding applications by using the automated ultrasonic immersion control” (Supervisor: N.G. Tsouvalis)

  3. Oikonomou Ioannis, “Wood in Greek traditional boatbuilding - a real case” (Supervisor: V.J. Papazoglou)

  4. Stathakis Christos, “Identification of heat transfer coefficient in casting simulation of pure aluminum” (Supervisor: D.I. Pantelis)

  5. Kalapotharakos Dimitrios, “Thick plates welding in Naval Industry (Submerged Arc Welding - Electroslag Welding - Electrogas Welding)” (Supervisor: D.I. Pantelis)

  6. Felios Athanasios, “Corrosion behavior of Super-hydrophobic film on Copper in seawater” (Supervisor: D.I. Pantelis)


  1. Leivadaros Panayiotis, “Study of three new methods of friction welding” (Supervisor: D.I. Pantelis)

  2. Stylianidis Orestis, “Friction stir welding of various alloys except of aluminum alloys” (Supervisor: D.I. Pantelis)

  3. Avgoulas Evangelos-Ioannis, “Numerical analysis of repair cracked marine structures with composite patches” (Supervisor: N.G. Tsouvalis)

  4. Stamatopoulos Konstantinos, “Measurement of Residual Stresses in Composite Materials with the Incremental Hole Drilling Method” (Supervisor: N.G. Tsouvalis)

  5. Kourkoulos Marios, “Study of FCAW method on Austenitic Stainless Steel 316L, with the use of automated welding layout” (Supervisor: V.J. Papazoglou)

  6. Drimaropoulos Philippos-Vasileios, “Application of rescue systems on damaged ships” (Supervisor: V.J. Papazoglou)

  7. Andrianakis Andreas, “Experimental and Numerical Study of a steel-to-composite adhesive joint under bending moments” (Supervisor: N.G. Tsouvalis)

  8. Koutsouris Spyridon, “Experimental study and numerical modeling of the fatigue behaviour of cracked steel plates reinforced with composite patch, under the effect of the marine environment” (Supervisor: N.G. Tsouvalis)

  9. Ntamadakis Aris, “Experimental study and numerical modeling of the tensile strength of cracked steel plates reinforced with composite pacth under the effect of the marine environment” (Supervisor: N.G. Tsouvalis)

  10. Kousathanas Andreas, “Experimental and numerical study of the delamination effect on the buckling of fiber composites” (Supervisor: N.G. Tsouvalis)

National Technical University of Athens

School of Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering

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