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Elias Bilalis

PhD Candidate

office: Building "Γ", 3rd floor, No Γ.306

tel: +30 21 0772 1401


Elias Bilalis graduated from the School of Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering of NTUA.
His PhD thesis focuses on the "digital twin of manufacturing and performance of composite material marine drivetrain components".


Nicholas Silionis

PhD Candidate

office: Building “Λ”, 1st floor, No. A.11

tel: +30 21 0772 1425


Nicholas Silionis graduated from the School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering at NTUA.

His PhD thesis focuses on the “Machine Learning Based Structural Health Monitoring of Ship Hulls”. His main research interests revolve around combining structural analysis (FEA) and data-driven modeling (Machine Learning) for structural health monitoring applications in ship structures.


Panagiotopoulos Sotiris

PhD Candidate

office: Building “Λ”, 1st floor, No. A.11

tel: +30 21 0772 1425


Sotiris Panagiotopoulos graduated from the Department Of Mechanical Engineering & Aeronautics, University of Patras. His main scientific interests lie on the field of Structural Health Monitoring via the scope of Digital Twinning and Load Identification for fatigue damage prognostics of ship hulls, a research problem that approaches with the implementation of his Ph.D. Thesis “Digital twinning of ship hulls for predictive maintenance with focus on fatigue”.

National Technical University of Athens

School of Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering

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