School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering

Elissavet Kaloutsa
Administrative Staff
office: Building "Γ", 2nd floor, No Γ.215
tel: +30 21 0772 2872
Elissavet Kaloutsa has studied Art and Design in AKTO.
She is the secretary of the Shipbuilding Technology Laboratory in the School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, NTUA.

Athanasios Markoulis
Special Laboratory & Teaching Staff
office: Building "Λ", ground floor, No I.5
tel: +30 21 0772 1788
Athanasios Markoulis graduated in 1998 from the Department of Mechanical Engineering (Technological Educational Institute of Patras). After his studies, he has completed the program of pedagogical training (education sciences) of the School of Pedagogical & Technological Education - ASPETE (formerly SELETE). In 2011, he attended the "Waste Management MSc" Postgraduate course in the School of Science and Technology (Hellenic Open University).
For the last 11 years, he is working in the Shipbuilding Technology Laboratory of the School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (N.T.U.A.) as Technical Staff. During these years, he has participated in several research programs.

Charikleia Sarafoglou
Special Laboratory & Teaching Staff
office: Building "Λ", ground floor, No I.6
tel: +30 21 0772 1789
Charikleia Sarafoglou graduated from the School of Mechanical Engineering of NTUA.
She obtained a PhD from the School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering of NTUA.
Her PhD thesis focused on the "characterization of coatings produced by advanced plasma spraying techniques".

Theodora Tsiourva
Laboratory Assistant
office: Building "Λ", ground floor, No I.6
tel: +30 21 0772 2326
Theodora Tsiourva graduated from the School of Chemical Engineering of NTUA.
She is a PhD candidate at the School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering of NTUA.
Her PhD thesis focuses on the study of corrosion susceptibility of naval steels' welds.
She is also member of the permanent staff of STL.
Her research interests are: Metals' Corrosion & Metallographic Characterization.

Charalampos Xanthis
Laboratory Assistant
office: Building "Λ", ground floor, No I.5
tel: +30 21 0772 1787
Charalampos Xanthis studied at the Technical Vocational School (EPAS) of Skaramanga. He completed his apprenticeship in Shipbuilding Industry and obtained a craftsman certificate in 1992. In 2002, he attended computer seminars (Word-Excel-Power Point), organized by the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
Since 1995, he works as Laboratory Assistant at the School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering - National Technical University of Athens (NTUA).