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List of PhD theses since 2011



  • Κυριακοπούλου 'Ελενα-Αλεξία (2020) "Μελέτη επίδρασης του υδρογόνου στη μηχανική συμπεριφορά μεταλλικών σωληνώσεων μεταφοράς πετρελαιοειδών και υδρογονανθράκων" (Επιβλέπων: Δ. Μανωλακος) (in Greek) dspace

  • Καρακίζης Παναγιώτης (2018) "Μελέτη δημιουργίας συγκολλήσεων δια τριβής με ανάδευση κραμάτων αλουμινίου ενισχυμένων με κεραμικά νανοσωματίδια" (Επιβλέπων: Δ. Ι. Παντελής) (in Greek) dspace

  • Kazasidis Marios (2018) "Investigation of metal cored arc welded FCA (Fatigue Crack Arrester) steel in terms of microstructure, toughness and tensile properties" (Supervisor: D.I. Pantelis) dspace

  • Zilakos Ilias (2018) "Material modelling of rubber coated fabrics employed in the design of innovative ship rescue systems" (Supervisor: V.J. Papazoglou / S. Mavrakos) dspace

  • Kiosidou Evangelia (2018) "Study of environmentally friendly antifouling coatings to optimize the energy efficiency of ships" (Supervisor: D.I. Pantelis) (in Greek) dspace

  • Daniolos Nikolaos (2017) "Study of Friction Stir Welding of similar and dissimilar aluminum alloys, with attention to treatment parameters effect on the microstructure and mechanical properties" (Supervisor: D.I. Pantelis) (in Greek) dspace

  • Karatzas Vasileios (2016) "Assessment and design of composite patch repairing in marine applications" (Supervisor: N.G. Tsouvalis) dspace

  • Gkriniari Anna (2015) "Investigation of surface alloying on steel substrates by using concentrated solar energy" (Supervisor: D.I. Pantelis) (in Greek) dspace

  • Chionopoulos Stavros (2014) "Experimental and numerical investigation of robotic welding on thin sheets of aluminum alloy 5xxx" (Supervisor: D.I. Pantelis) (in Greek) dspace

  • Vasileiou Anastasia (2013) "Study of precision casting with emphasis in the optimal determination of heat transfer coefficient" (Supervisor: D.I. Pantelis) (in Greek) dspace

  • Sarafoglou ​Charikleia (2013) "Metallurgical and tribological characterization of metallic and ceramic coatings produced by advanced thermal spraying techniques" (Supervisor: D.I. Pantelis) (in Greek) dspace

  • Anyfantis Konstantinos-Ioannis (2012) "Analysis and design of composite-to-metal adhesively bonded joints" (Supervisor: N.G. Tsouvalis) dspace

  • Triantou Kostoula (2012) "Study of simple and composite cold sprayed coatings: microstructure, co-deposition mechanism, tribology and corrosion resistance" (Supervisor: D.I. Pantelis) (in Greek) dspace

  • Chatzidouros Ilias (2012) "Effect of hydrogen on mechanical properties of steel" (Supervisor: V.J. Papazoglou)

  • Kyriakongonas Andreas (2011) "Three-Dimensional Thermo-Mechanical Modeling of Austenitic Stainless Steel Welding" (Supervisor: V.J. Papazoglou) dspace

National Technical University of Athens

School of Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering

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